Featured Articles
A plea for liberal nationalism ignores what it has looked like in practice
In February, US Citizenship and Immigration Services deleted language from its mission statement that described the country as a “nation of immigrants.” It was yet another sign that a belief pervasive in the Trump White House—that arrivals from Latin America, Asia and Africa posed a threat to an American identity truly rooted in European culture—was spreading to other institutions of government. Last year, Trump invoked Blut-und-Boden nationalism before an audience in Warsaw. “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,” Trump said.

Philadelphia Magazine, June 2023
LaFaye Gaskins, Whose Conviction Was the Subject of a Philly Mag Investigation, Freed From Prison
I visited Philly last week to spend time with LaFaye Gaskins, whose murder conviction I investigated for this magazine in 2016. Gaskins, 54, walked out of prison on the morning of Friday, June 9th, after spending 34 years behind bars on a life sentence for a murder there was no evidence he had committed.
“It makes me feel like I’m a tourist coming to a city that I don’t know,” he told me. “And I’m just walking around trying to figure everything out. That’s how I feel. Even when I went to my old neighborhood, it’s totally different.”
Voters want more open borders, not a ‘smart wall.’ Democrats should listen.
The last government shutdown ended because Democrats stood firm against President Trump’s border wall. But funding will soon run out again, talks between Democrats and Republicans are in crisis, and Mr. Trump remains committed: “The Wall will get built one way or the other!” he tweeted on Saturday.
The Senate’s minority leader, Chuck Schumer, has made it clear that Mr. Trump won’t get his way: “Democrats are against the wall.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has admirably enforced party discipline, has called the wall “immoral.”
Published Works
Slate, May 2023
n+1, December 2021
Jacobin, August 2020
Jacobin, June 2020
Jacobin, April 2020
The Guardian, April 2020
New Republic, April 2020
Jacobin, February 2020
Jacobin, February 2020
Jacobin, January 2020
Jacobin, November 2019
Jacobin, November 2019
Jacobin, April 2020
New York Times, February 2019
International Viewpoint, July 2018
The Appeal, April 2018
Slate, March 2018
The Appeal, March 2018
In These Times, February 2018
The Appeal, January 2018
Slate, January 2018
The Nation, December 2017
The Nation, November 2017
The Nation, October 2017
The Appeal, October 2017
The Washington Post, July 2017
Slate, May 2017
Vox, April 2017
Vice, March 2017
Prison Legal News, March 2017
Slate, February 2017
The Guardian, December 2016
Vox, November 2016
Vice, November 2016
The Guardian, November 2016
Vox, October 2016
Salon, September 2016
Salon, July 2016
Salon, June 2016
Salon, May 2016
Salon, April 2016
The Nation, May 2015
The Nation, August 2015
The Nation, September 2014
New Republic, May 2013
New Republic, April 2013
The Nation, October 2008